Lensa AI has been going viral since it was launched. The cool magical avatars have been flooding social media sites and have taken the internet by storm. However, there are massive ethical and legal questions that surround the ease with which the images of self and others can be morphed to create what techies are calling "soft porn". AI’s Frankenstein s monster seems to be here.
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Nov. 16, 2022 /PRNewswire/ Huawei celebrated the successful conclusion of Huawei Developer Day, a one-day event held in Kuala Lumpur, where leaders expounded on the evolution and growth of the Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) ecosystem. The programme was packed with insightful speakers' sharing, enlightening panel discussions and an HMS booth tour for participants to experience the myriad offerings of Huawei. In line with its theme "Better Together", Huawei also expressed its appreciation of its ongoing partnerships with valued partners in an award ceremony, with 16 awards presented across varied categories. Louie Lyu, President of HUAWEI Consumer Business Group, Asia Pacific "The theme of this year's event encapsulates the value of partnerships, and it is only with the continued support of developers and partners that we have created so many success stories, and witnessed significant growth and improvements to the Huawei Mobile Services ecos