The Reanimated Corpse: A multiplayer game follows a scout in 1970s Bombay, offering an oral model of film conservation The origins of the game date back to 2017, when the creators studied the diverse methods employed globally in the restoration of film from around the world at Italy s Pordenone Silent Film Festival. Anvisha Manral January 06, 2021 10:12:41 IST A scene from the chawl where The Reanimated Corpse is set. Image courtesy: lightcube
Somewhere in Bombay, circa 1970, we are introduced to Rafique Baghdadi. An immigrant-outsider in the city, he is clawing his way through an unsanctioned investigation sparked entirely out of curiosity. A film scout initially tasked with finding locations for titles produced by Films Division, Baghdadi s exploration of the city s contours brings him to an abandoned house. It is now that we learn of Rashida, a yest
Anushka Jasraj on her short story collection Principles of Prediction, and fiction as a channel to transmit abstract ideas The impossibility of communication, the beauty of mismatch, is probably one of the themes of the book, Anushka Jasraj tells Firstpost. Aarushi Agrawal January 06, 2021 12:34:45 IST
Author Anushka Jasraj’s debut short story collection
Principles of Prediction lays bare her intrinsic view of fiction, which she sees not as a medium to communicate ideas, but as a way of transmitting moods, emotions, and other abstract concepts. “If I ever tried to communicate anything in my fiction, I would probably fail,” she tells
Moni Mohsin on how her new book explores Pakistan s volatile politics through social media s lenses The author, known for using satire to slice open the discrepancies in society, uses the protagonist in her new book The Impeccable Integrity of Ruby R and her hero worship of an aspiring prime minister to expose the ugly underbelly of social media. Mallik Thatipalli January 03, 2021 09:33:44 IST Author Moni Mohsin
A hero with clay feet, an army of trolls and a nation to win over
The Impeccable Integrity of Ruby R is a novel whose time has arrived. Though the story unravels in Pakistan, it could easily be India or any other country, for that matter, in which politicians use social media as a toxic tool to intimidate and bully those who disagree.
Penguin Random House India
Turkish novelist and Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk’s upcoming novel is historical fiction set in 1901 during the third plague pandemic. The novel, which he has been working on for four years, will also include his drawings and hand-drawn maps, being his attempt at illustrating the world he is creating.
Author and journalist Kaajal Oza Vaidya’s novel is among Gujarati literature’s biggest bestsellers. It starts when Krishna has been injured by Jara’s arrow, and offers glimpses into his last moments on earth. The most important women in his life Radha, Rukmini, Satyabhama, and Draupadi, appear before him, and the narrative is interspersed with what they mean to him.
100 years of Sahir Ludhianvi: An essential, timeless poetic voice
Firstpost s ode to the people s poet , through a collection of video tributes by seven leading Hindi film lyricists from Varun Grover to Kausar Munir, Irshad Kamil, Shellee, Raj Shekhar, Mayur Puri and Hussain Haidry. Each of these lyricists has picked the verses that speak most to them, explaining why Sahir s words resonate even three decades after his death.
MY FATHER had a great fondness for Mirza Ghalib. He would often read a couplet and provide an interpretation, which for a high schooler like me at that time was difficult to comprehend as Urdu had not been a part of my curriculum. By the time I entered college, Sahir was everywhere. His songs were heard on the radio, his movies attracted large audiences, and his poetry was the topic of conversations among friends. I was drawn to Sahir’s work in a way that I hadn’t been to Ghalib’s. One day I walked into a bookstore and bought Sahir