Babies are amazing. We have a new grand nephew in our family. He was born a few weeks early at 6 pounds and two ounces. He has a full head of dark hair. He is healthy and growing and talking. And he is beautiful.
Babies are amazing. We have a new grand nephew in our family. He was born a few weeks early at 6 pounds and two ounces. He has a full head of dark hair. He is healthy and growing and talking. And he is beautiful.
democracy. 5 of 9 justices were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote. pete: getting the pants beat off by greg gutfeld. here, shonda rachel duffy, authors and my dear friends. great to have you here. great to see you. we do not live in a democracy, we live in a republic, they never really talked about that or acknowledge that, but you look at the left breaking out right now, they know what a big deal this is. ultimately the court would determine to be the right direction. by the way, sing the stench, the stench, the stench, from the latino. at the stench i think about is the stench of death from those back rooms, butcher shops that they want to call clinics. the stench of ignorance, willful ignorance on fetal development and people lecturing us about science. they will not acknowledge the science of humanity, of fetal