egypt its vast deserts and the fertile nile valley. the varos went to war regularly to defend their trade routes and more importantly their land and people. one battle is commemorated on the temple walls at abu simbel it s the battle of car dash against the hittites only in the king s reign. ramsey has had himself portrayed in the release as a brave warrior and daring military leader an inscription on the wall proclaims the pharaoh s courage and pain and bears witness to the cowardice of his own troops.
back. again and again this cartouche appears carved into the stone bears the hieroglyph of the pharaohs. randy s had the cartouche carved on all his works it reads you so much rain so to plan ray me on one which means the one chosen by the god ray. will move. ramsay s rule extended over the civilized world over upper and lower egypt that is the world for him centered in egypt it s a vast desert and the fertile nile valley. the