kinshasa olivia there s been some disagreement over who won this vote what s the perception where you are. yeah as you said it was surprising when for just a k.b. it s very exciting for many people here that the opposition won a lot of people expect this to be this candidature dari to win. but before the election there was a lot of. a lot of information going around for months and for you but one there s a group of catholic will that represents catholic bishops which they deployed forty thousand of us right the country on current day and they get our entire news they came to the conclusion they well they declared that they had a clear when us they didn t say exactly what it was but they tipped off a few people that the clear winner was loved by you do they spoke to various ferret diplomats. and serve on external surprise or to the case it was think that when i m ok along with the surprise is there any idea as to why she should katie one