carol x and yy. we and some to this horrible story. carol x and yy- and some to this horrible story. carol x and yy. we will have to keep callin: carol x and yy. we will have to keep calling them carol x and yy. we will have to keep calling them by carol x and yy. we will have to keep calling them by why carol x and yy. we will have to keep calling them by why and carol x and yy. we will have to keep calling them by why and errol - carol x and yy. we will have to keep calling them by why and errol x - calling them by why and errol x until highbury second next year when the two of them will be sentenced. they are now 16 years old. under british law, they cannot be identified by their names, unless a judge decides. that is what has happened today. let me tell you a bit about the background to this case. it was an 18 day trial at this crown court in manchester. it is an horrific crime. two 15 year olds, as they were then, lowered a 16 year old girl into a park in a
The plea argues that no study was conducted in India to come to the conclusion that the dog breeds in question were ferocious and required to be banned.