Happy (almost) Nevada Day, Carson City! The balloons are readying, the runners are stretching, the floaters are floating, and attendees are making sure their wooly socks and hand warmers are ready to go! Let s take a look at the parade line up for tomorrow!
Happy (almost) Nevada Day, Carson City! The balloons are readying, the runners are stretching, the floaters are floating, and attendees are making sure their wooly socks and hand warmers are ready to go! Let s take a look at the parade line up for tomorrow!
The Nevada Republican Central Committee (NRCC) Standing Rules requires the Nevada Republican Party, in every year during which a general election is held, to have a precinct meeting held for each precinct. All persons registered in the party and residing in the precinct are entitled to attend the precinct meeting.
Carson City Health and Human Services (CCHHS) is reporting thirteen new cases and seven additional recoveries of COVID-19 in the Quad-County Region. This brings the total number of cases to 1,374, with 1,257 recoveries and 17 deaths, 100 cases remain active.