A new study reports that age-related memory loss may be improved in the short term by taking a daily multivitamin. The findings show that one year of multivitamins produced a similar effect to turning back the cognitive aging clock by over three years.
Lecanemab can reduce amyloid plaques within the first months after treatment initiation and is linked to improved clinical signs in as early as 6 months, updates from a phase 2 trial show.
Study shows over 2% positivity rate for asymptomatic pediatric dental patients tested for COVID-19
A study by a University of Illinois Chicago pediatric dentist has shown a novel way to track potential COVID-19 cases testing children who visit the dentist. The study also showed an over 2% positivity rate for the asymptomatic children tested.
Dr. Flavia Lamberghini, UIC clinical assistant professor in the department of pediatric dentistry, has co-authored the article, Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection in asymptomatic pediatric dental patients, in the April 2021 issue of the
Journal of the American Dental Association. Co-authors are Dr. Fernando Testai, UIC professor of neurology and rehabilitation, and Dr. Gabriela Trifan, UIC assistant professor of neurology and rehabilitation.