Nostalgia for obama during this era of trump, especially when you compare that speech from the fourth of july five years ago to what we heard yesterday on the white house lawn. American heroes defeated the nazis, dethroned the fascists, toppled the communists, saved american values, upheld american principles and chased down the terrorists to the very ends of the earth. We are now in the process of defeating the radical left, the marksist marxists, the agitators, the looters, the anarchists, and people who in many instances have absolutely no clue what theyre doing. Trump once again, and unsurprisingly, is amplifying racial divides in america rather than attempting to unify a country that is in crisis from both the coronavirus pandemic and a National Reckoning on race centuries in the making. His us versus them rhetoric comesemboldened white people pulling guns on protesters. This viral video shows a Woman Holding a gun on a black mother and her two daughters in a chipotle parking lot.