Think we are making it up . No. Take a look. We are deep in the realm now of credibly impeachable offenses. Impeachable. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachable. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachable. Impeachment. It seementsdz like impeachable offense. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachable. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeached. Impeachable. Impeachable. This is the tip tip tip of the iceberg for a president that is going down. Sean that didnt exactly age well, as it turns out the buzzfeed story was yet another sad pathetic example of fake news in this country. On friday night a spokesperson for the office of special counsel they literally released a statement totally refuting the article. Now, when a rush to smear, slander besmirch the president of the United States, members of the hate trump media totally willfully, purposefully missed all the glaring warning signs that i had talked about earlier in the day on my radio show. This is who they are. T
You think we are making it up . Nope. Take a look. We are deep in the realm now of credibly impeachable offenses. Impeachable. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachable. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachable. Impeachment. It seems like an impeachable offense. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachable. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeachment. Impeached. Impeachable. Impeachable. This is the tip, tip, tip of the iceberg for a president that is going down. Sean that didnt exactly age well, as it turns out the buzzfeed story was yet another sad, pathetic example of fake news in this country. On friday night, a spokesperson for the office of special counsel, they literally released a statement totally refuting the article. Now in their rush to smear, slander, besmirch the president of the United States, members of the hate trump media totally, willfully, purposefully missed all the glaring warning signs that i had talked about earlier in the day on my radio show