Jurassic Park Hunter Legends (Version 2) file
February 9th, 2021
☻ Improved animations in dinosaurs (specially walk/run animation).
☻ New textures in most dinosaurs (except male velociraptor).
☻ Geosternbergia added.
☻ Pachycephalosaurus is now a huntable dino.
☻ Male Tyrannosaurus added as final boss with new kill animation.
☻ Old maps were replaced by their second versions (previously released as DLC maps).
☻ New map added: Site X .
☻ Hip firing added in weapons (except sniper rifle).
☻ Crosshair added in weapons (except sniper rifle).
☻ Some old weapons were replaced by the ones released as DLC previously.
☻ New weapon added: UZI Pistol .
☻ Hunter has new death sound .
☻ New main menu background.