Others are trying to drive back home creating reverse traffic jams. Officials are warning residents they are in danger and curfews are in effect. There is no reason to go out. Dont be the guy they get hits gets hit by a tree. We actually have insurance. Everybody around us doesnt have insurance. Officials are telling people to hunker down for 12 hours. Lets take a look at the current condition. The storm surge is coming up to the highway. In miami, this homeowner is attempting Hurricane Irma from raising the roof. The latest on the map shows that after striking cuba the eye is skirting the northwestern part of the island. Tomorrow it will be in the florida keys and it will bring the hurricanes hurricane winds. Its a category 3 storm. There are 155 mile per hour winds. It will parallel the west coast of florida making landfall above tampa before powering to the southeast where it will be knocked down to a category one storm. The storm surge mayberry part of the keys. Landfall will be in