Mother nature is a master of invention science can learn a lot from the incredible materials around us like bamboo its light flexible and still extremely sturdy because of the knots along the stem. Cassopolis silk is another it warms up in the cold and cools down in the heat nature spins out all kinds of fascinates materials some could even be used to heal us. Every year nearly three hundred thousand people have a heart attack in germany alone many of those who survived face dealing with a weakened heart for the rest of their life. Thats because the heart muscle tissue damaged in an attack cant regenerate scar tissue forms which affects the hearts ability to pump. But this might be about to change thanks to spiders they could help millions of people regain a strong and healthy heart. Are simply amazing when it comes to producing materials there are masters at manufacturing remarkable fibers. Its the spider silk that has scientists excited its made up mainly of proteins and its a biolog
mentors. after several rounds of purification and processing the protein is reduced to a white powder this powder can then be processed as needed in huge quantities. we produce tons of silk protein in one hundred twenty thousand leader bioreactors it is in fiction anymore it s already reality and. the protein is being tested as a coating on breast implants to improve bio compatibility and decrease the chance of an adverse response. it s probably also well suited as a coating for artificial heart valves. sprayed on as a fin film the silk protein would make the foreign parts almost invisible to the body. and the synthetic protein looks like a fantastic resource for felix engle in his quest to grow new heart muscle cells as