Swiss company qiio, which specializes in mobile IoT applications, has received AT&T Network Optimized certification. It covers qiio s »q200 Guardian«, »Concentrator XN« and Development Kit devices, all of which are based on Azure Sphere.
qiio® and Avnet Enter Strategic Solution and Distribution Partnership
qiio® and Avnet Enter Strategic Solution and Distribution Partnership
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Avnet, a global technology solutions provider and qiio, a Swiss provider of proven leading edge cellular IoT solutions, today announced that they have entered a global strategic distribution partnership to accelerate and scale IoT deployments worldwide, and provide customers with seamless, secure and global cellular connectivity from the edge to the cloud. In addition, qiio has joined the Avnet IoTConnect⢠Partner Program, a part of Avnet s IoTConnect Solutions Suite.
Phoenix AZ, U.S.A and Zurich, Switzerland, March 3, 2021, Avnet(Nasdaq: AVT) and qiio have entered into a distribution partnership, enabling Avnet s global customer base to access qiio s edge devices and connectivity services. Through a single user interface in Avnet s enterprise grade IoTConne