We are getting out of here. Major a Desert Lakebed turns into a massive mud pit forcing festivalgoers to shelter in place and conserve food and water. No one has seen this effect in here ever. Major as summer winds down, americans from the midwest to the east face brutally high temperatures. Its the big september heat. We are talking 167 million above 90 degrees today. The convicted killer who escaped from a prison in Chester County, pennsylvania, is still on the run. We are doing everything in our power to get this guy. Major north Korean Leader kim jong un announces a trip to russia to talk weapons with Vladimir Putin. How one airline is cracking down on skip lagging, a popular trick for cheaper flights. We will explain the pros and cons. I used skiplagged to pay less, and i ended up paying a lot more. At this pennsylvania eye clinic, kids are excited to copy this rescue cat who wears one of her 25 pairs of glasses. Its always been my goal that i create a positive and fun memory. Som
veverzenio is s proven to o heu liveve significacantly longer when takaken with fulvesestrant. veverzenio + f fulvestrantt is f for hr+, heher2- metaststatic brbreast cancecer thatat has progrgressed after hormrmone therapapy. diararrhea is cocommon, may be sevevere, or cause d dehydrationon or infnfection. at the f first sign,n, callll your doctctor, start anan antidiarrrrheal, and drinink fluids.. befofore taking g verzenio,, tellll your doctctor ababout any fefever, chilll, oror other sigigns of infefec. verzenenio may cauause low white blblood cell c counts, whwhich may cacause serious ininfection thatat can lead d to death.. life-thrhreatening l lung inflammatition can occccur. tell youour doctor a about anyw oror worseningng trouble breaeathing, couough, oror chest paiain. seririous liver r problems can hahappen. symptoms i include fatatigue, appetitete loss, stomomach pain, , and bleedidg oror bruising.g. blooood clots ththat can lead toto death havave occurrede. tell y your doc
so y you rere not just t liv, you u re liviving well.. kisqali i can cause e lung probs or an abnonormal heartrtbeat whwhich can lelead to deata. it canan cause sererious skskin reactioions, liver r problems, , and low whe blood cecell countss that may r result in sevevere infectctions. avoid grgrapefruit duriring treatmement. tetell your dodoctor rightht y if youou have neww oror worseningng symptoms,, includuding breaththing proble, cough, c chest pain,n, a chchange in yoyour heartbeb, dizzinesess, yellowiwing of the skikin or eyes,s, dark urinene, tirednesess, lossss of appetitite, abdomemen, bleeding, , bruising,, fefever, chilllls, or otherer symptomss of an n infection,n, a sevevere or worsrsening ras, are e or plan toto become prpre, or brereastfeedingng. lolong live huhugs and kisis. ask about t kisqali. and lolong live lilife. norah: finally tonight the month of august will be a
extreme titiredness, consnstipation,, dizzzziness or f fainting, extreme titiredness, consnstipation,, changes s in appetitite, thirstst, or urinene, coconfusion, m memory probobl, changes s in appetitite, thirstst, or urinene, muscle paiain or weaknknes, fefever, rash,h, ititching, or r flushing.. therere may be other sidede effects.. tell y your doctoror about alall your mededical condidit, therere may be other sidede effects.. inclcluding immumune systemem problems,s, if you ve hadad or plan to have anan organ inclcluding immumune systemem problems,s, or stem m cell transnsplan, rereceived chehest radiatiti, or havave a nervouous systemem problem.. it f feels goodd toto be here f for them. or havave a nervouous systemem problem.. liviving longer r is possibl. itit s trtru. keytruruda from memerck. ask yoyour doctor r about keyt. keytruruda from memerck. the right t age for neututrogena®® retinol? thatat s whenevever you wawant it to b be. it hasas derm-provoven retinl that tararg
year s rececipients ofof thehe l kennedy cecenter honorors next.. . so, longng live famimily . long l live dreamsms. and long l live you. kisqali isis a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so y you rere not just t liv, you u re liviving well.. kisqali i can cause e lung probs or an abnonormal heartrtbeat whwhich can lelead to deata. it canan cause sererious skskin reactioions, liver r problems, , and low whe blood cecell countss that may r result in sevevere infectctions. avoid grgrapefruit duriring treatmement. tetell your dodoctor rightht y if youou have neww oror worseningng symptoms,, includuding breaththing proble, cough, c chest pain,n, a chchange in yoyour heartbeb, dizzinesess, yellowiwing of the skikin or eyes,s, dark urinene, tirednesess, lossss of appetitite, abdomemen, bleeding, , bruising,, fefever, chilllls, or otherer symptomss of an n infection,n, a sevevere or worsrsening ras, are e o