Union Home Minister Amit Shah attended the millennium birth anniversary celebrations of Bhakti Saint Sri Ramanujacharya in Hyderabad on Tuesday. Addressing the event, Shah said, "Statue of Equality has recently been inaugurated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji and Chinna Jeeyar Swamy Ji. Amit Shah Visits Statue of Equality in Hyderabad, Says ‘Sri Ramanujacharya Brought Unity in Indian Society’.
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[For the entire month of January, Portland Music Month features 100+ musical acts designed to get you into our city's great clubs and venues, and $1 from each ticket goes to support individual music artists and their professional needs. Find out a lot more here, and enjoy the following preview of an upcoming Portland Music Month pick!—eds.] This Wednesday, January 12, Portland Music Month continues with a show at Mississippi Studios that features a local.