we start with the pinch nerve and to the connection. how can you know, how can you be so sure? i have experience. okay. just watch, please. oh, man, this is i see how this is going to go. oh. ah! you ll be amazed. because he ll find a way to unlock it. you ll be a brand new man. will be arms still be attached?
due. yes. it s a religion and it s a way of life that is practiced in haiti and comes from africa. so this is my religion and i hold ceremonies every week in my temple which i will take you to later on. you have a temple? i have a temple and we serve the spirits. each person has a spirit that rules over them, it is called the master of the your head. and that is the mermaid and she s one of mine. the important thing in sally s crash course in vod yow is it starts in africa and made its way to haiti and made its way to here. to practice vodou, slaves incorporated christianity and catholicism and centuries later this hybrid is incorporated and it may not explain a topless mermaid but this leads to mary
and see which one of my cameramen collapse. nick would be up all of the way and normally he s a monster but i think he s diminished. i am rich. on the grounds of my estate, i hob nob with the glitterati and play equestrian sports. out on the veranda, we enjoy finger sandwiches and other assorted dainties. i wear nothing less than the finest designer footwear. wherever i go, the paparazzi capture my every move. yes, i am rich. that s why i drink the champagne of beers.
get up right away. roll away from the hole. come on. roll, roll. good. okay. so again, nice, stable platform. right. it will support your body weight. it is a dream. when you stay that way, if somebody is out there yelling for help and you want to get to them, you want to manage your energy systems the right way. because on top of the physical stress and the panic and all of that stuff and your heart rate and everything else. and they decide to be aggressive with you in the white hole, what else is left. now you have two ice holes to deal with. you can use that, peggy. and i resisted as long as i could, and look i got a smile. this is me impersonating ron. roll away from the hole, matt. role away from the hole. he just doesn t want to learn. chain of mand, mike. you are the new guy.
there you go. thank you. and you stand and we do a double handshake. all right. that s it? that s it. it s my first voodoo offering. whatever your thoughts might be on the supernatural, all religious rituals serve a practical purpose beyond the demonstration of faith. with voodoo, these rituals were a way for powerless people to take control over their own lives and you don t need to be a slave to understand the importance of that. we all know what that feels like to be enslaved and to be caught in our own habits and caught in people s a expectations of us or caught in a bad relationship and we can t quite get out. voodoo helps us liberate ourselves from all that. you ve put m some thought in this. yes, i have. thank you. thank you. thanks for the opportunity. after a foo hours with sally,