With Christmas Eve upon us, it’s time to either wrap up your shopping or look ahead to making resolutions. We have suggestions for both.
For a quick gift that keeps on giving, consider a subscription to Gold Star Pies’ Pie of the Month Club. It’s the brainchild of owner Heather Briggs, who has been selling pies from her food truck since 2017.
A monthly subscription buys you a homemade pie or pies from a choice of three monthly flavor options. For instance, December’s offerings included Spiced Apple Cranberry, Chocolate Chess, and Tart Cherry with Oatmeal Crumble Topping. Monthly pies cost $35 for one, $60 for two and $85 for three (includes tax and delivery fee). New for 2021 will be a three-month subscription option for $100 to receive one pie a month. The pies are delivered right to your home. If interested in the three-month club, email Briggs at heather@goldstarpies.com. Visit goldstarpies.com to sign up for her newsletter or information about the 12-month pie club.