ainsley: turkey cost more too. steve: highest ever. number two in virginia is education. right now on both of those, youngkin is leading. brian: it s going to be interesting. last four polls dead heat. exciting. another reason to tune in on election day. martha and bret will have the this is by the way a fee promo to them. martha and bret on tuesday election. ainsley: our show will be down there, too. brian: ainsley will be down there on tuesday. ainsley: we will be down there, fox & friends. steve: the show. ainsley: i will represent the show. steve: i have a feeling this election will be covered by the fox news channel which you are watching right now thank you very much. brian: won t go repeat programming on election day. steve: have we ever? brian: no. i just wanted to clarify. steve: shocking new details describing the moments that led up to deadly shooting on the movie set of rust. what we now say the