saved an average of $412, syou probably won t believe me. but you can believe this, real esurance employee nancy abraham. look her up online. esurance, it s surprisingly painless. the straight story every night. here s tucker. tucker: good evening and welcome to tucker carlson tonight. there was a lot of drama on capitol hill today. democrats and the president continue battling over a border wall. yesterday, you probably saw, the house speaker nancy pelosi asked president trump to postpone his state of the union or have it somewhere else, not in congress. she argued the shutdown had created security concerns. that was not confirmed by anyone who actually provide
now he can sit down with nancyy pelosi because he has prevented her from leaving the country. why wouldn t you applaud this? i don t applaud it because he did it as a tit-for-tat. he s immature. that s why he did it. tucker: but you are happy about the outcome but you don t like his motives? no. i definitely don t like his motives at all. i think his motivations are to build a wall that is pretty much, instead of make america great again, he might as well to say to mexico, if you are brown turn around. that s what the message is. tucker: i think you may have gotten your talking points confused. i appreciate your mustering. no talking straight conversation. tucker: no talking points. you just made that up on the fly. brilliant. [laughs] rochelle, thank you. federaloa shutdown continues. democrats coalesce around a rationale for continued opposition to a border wall. they are no longer telling you walls are too expensive. that was a laughable argument coming from th
i think his decision tucker: that s nots the bigger question, actually. the bigger question is, should we keep troops in afghanistan? and no one seems interesteddd in that. if that is an actual question. a speak of the president is more interested in keeping our fellow workers from getting paid. that s what he is interested in. tucker: right. i m surerd that s his goal. let me ask you though, why shouldn t straightforward question once more. why shouldn t she stay in washington until this crisis is resolved? you just said it s very important that our federal workers get the salary they are due. so why shouldn t she stay herere and work on it until that happens? well, it seems like conservatives are acting like nancy pelosi was going over there for two weeks to lay on a beach. that s not what s happening. tucker: you already couldn t tell me why she was going there. we still don t know why she was going. one, i don t work for nancy pelosi, but i can tell you thehe reason w
her spokesman told us the speaker wanted to thank our men and women in uniform and obtain what they called critical national security briefings on the front line. the president brought that bus to a screeching halt with a letter marked dear madam speaker. he wrote, due to the shutdown i m sorry to inform you your trip to brussels, egypt and afghanistan has been postponed. we will reschedule this seven day excursion when the shutdown is over. among the grounded was adam schiff, who was supposed to be on the trip with pelosi and complained this was what he called fifth grade conduct by the president. white house aides said this was not a tit-for-tat. the president thinks pelosi should stay in washington to negotiate, oh, and theyay say while the military aircraft a has been put on hold, it is pelosi s prerogative to fly commercial if she wants to. tucker? tucker: highly amusing. ed henry, thank you veryck much. michelle richie is a former press secretary for the house democratic po
and negotiate it because she needs to, quote, thank our troops. she has absolutely stayed and she s worked with this president on multiple occasions. he got up from the table and left the office the last time they sat down and had a discussion. tucker: it s an adult question. why would she be mad about this? it probably is fair probably she should stay. this isn t helping anybody the shutdown, i mean it. why not stay and figure it out? now she has this bad idea to go toha t afghanistan to thank our troops who are serving in a war that she is not sure whether she supports or not. this is so pointless! tucker: it s totally real. no, it is real but it s noannoying to me, because we re sitting here talking about a woman taking a trip. she is not going now. we can all really just get over it. what i would like to know is when this president is going to sit down with the democrats and reopen the government. tucker: i guess, now - people are not getting paid. tucker: that s a