russian troops. no doubt, really, these protests across eastern ukrainian cities happen in a coordinated fashion. they seem to calm and then flare again. the real fear, asking for constitutional reform, perhaps federalization of ukraine. the sense if that doesn t happen there could be further violence ahead and those in washington point to those tens of thousands of troops as perhaps the harbinger of tense times ahead. tough situation in ukraine. thank you. we heard the secretary of state talking about ukraine. his remarks came during a senate foreign relations committee hearing. ukraine wasn t the only issue on the agenda. listen to this, very spirited exchange between john mccain and john kerry on ukraine, syria, iran and middle east peace. the israeli/palestinian talks are even though you may drag them out for a while, are finished. and i predict, even though we gave the iranians the right to
numbers exist within the system, but if you start with the premise that s not acceptable, then at least we should be open to nor drmore dramatic reforms tinkering on the edges. that s what i believe we should do. have higher expectations, higher standards is really important. you can t you can dumb down standards as we have done and all children are above average, and that makes their children maybe feel better, but if they get a high school diploma and it means that they have to retake high school math and reading to start their community college or they have no career skills because high school hasn t given them that, who are we fooling? talk a little about common core, because i want you to answer the concern that is some parents and critics have that it is in some way a nationalization or federalization of education. it takes away some of the local and state autonomy with respect to the school boards and parents and their choices and puts everybody on the same track for
or he is purposely trying to stoic fear as cheap political fear. look, i m taking a principled stance. my kids will be in school today. legally they re not required to take the test. and there are not consequences to not taking the test. i d ask the people to go to my web site. watch the video where i explain the history of common core and what it is is a federalization, takeover from washington, d.c. in many ways of school houses with curriculum and tests. the sates are being aligned to common core. why is the new york state education commissioners children in a school that is not aligned with common core? i think he s got it right. so i would ask people to, look, this is obamacare for education. if you don t like this, then i think you want to make a stand, go to thank you very much. all right.
but don t worry about that right now. okay. how do i look? thanks. [ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. today more than a million students in new york state will take the common core reading exam. but some students are opting out of that, including the children of new york republican gubernatorial candidate who joins us live here in the studio. good morning to you. good morning. why aren t you going to let your kids take it? my wife and i she s a special ed teacher, we feel very strongly that our kids shouldn t be guinea pigs in a lab test and that s what s going on nationally where you have a federalization of local education. i believe very strongly that we should have our teachers and our school board members and our
you noted that you raised this and asked the russian side to pull these forces back from the border. did they agree to do so? if not, what reason did they give? secondly, both sides have talked in recent weeks about the possibility of federalization in ukraine. largely as a means of protecting the interests of the russian speaking population. but the russian side appears to have a far reaching concept of federalization in mind. one that would give the regions veto authority over national policies, even foreign policy. did you make any headway tonight in narrowing the gap on this core issue? and what are the next steps? thank you. thank you very much, michael. as i said earlier, both sides made suggestions today on how we can de-escalate the security as well as the political situation in and around ukraine. and, yes, we talked very