APPROVALS that have been given to concerts in Kuala Lumpur will be reviewed to ensure their suitability to the people, says Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim.
PUTRAJAYA, Aug 18 Standard chicken will soon be sold at RM8 per kilogramme (kg) in Kuala Lumpur from RM8.90 per kg currently, said Federal Territories Minister Datuk Seri.
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of RM100mil from the Agrofood Fund will be placed under the Malaysia Co-operative Societies Commission (SKM) to assist cooperatives in expanding the agrofood industry, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
KUALA LUMPUR: A total of RM100mil from the Agrofood Fund will be placed under the Cooperative Societies Commission of Malaysia (SKM) to assist cooperatives in expanding the agrofood industry, says Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.
FED up of being repeatedly ignored regarding the deteriorating condition of their units in the Seri Aman People’s Housing Scheme (PPR) in Kepong, about 40 residents held a peaceful protest outside Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) headquarters on Thursday (June 23) morning.