With a divided Congress, policymakers in both chambers have suggested an infrastructure package as an area of potential bipartisanship. If past is prologue, this should worry American taxpayers. The last $305 billion infrastructure bill signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2015 was fiscally irresponsible and failed to include any meaningful reforms to government-imposed barriers to infrastructure investment.
As businesses continue to optimize their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies, an important arrow in the ESG quiver may be carbon di oxide (CO2) capture and storage.
(ESG) strategies, an important arrow in the ESG quiver may be carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS). CCS involves capturing, compressing, transporting, and then injecting CO2.
The lead role of federal officials should be to prevent disasters,not respond to them on behalf of states. It is vital for thefederal government to keep out of this country those who would harmour people, and it is vital, once disaster strikes, for states andlocalities to take the lead because they know their communitiesbest.