Approximately $2,639,200
Approximately $7,271,200
As always, the potential estate, gift and GST tax savings should be weighed against the potential loss of the step-up of income tax basis for assets included in a decedent’s taxable estate (assuming that the Biden proposal to eliminate the step-up in basis is not enacted).
Popular Wealth-Transfer Techniques to Leverage Expanded Federal Gift and GST Tax Exemptions Remain Viable – At Least For Now!
Individuals who wish to reduce or eliminate future estate and GST taxes may consider maximizing their use of the increased federal gift and GST tax exemptions before the exemptions revert to pre-2018 levels on January 1, 2026 (unless reduced sooner by new legislation). Strategies that are attractive include dynasty (generation-skipping) trusts, spousal lifetime access trusts (“SLATs”), grantor retained annuity trusts (“GRATs”), intra-family loans and sales to intentionally defective grantor trusts (“IDGTs”). Each transacti