rosenstein authorizing him to investigate collusion with the russians by paul manafort. you can t investigate sins. you can onlyan investigate fedel crimes. there is no such federal crime as collusion. sean: how do they not know that? they know it. but they hope that by investigating collusion, they ll gete, somebody to obstruct justice, to commit perjury, to commit one of these other peripheraln crimes, as they always say, but it s not the cover up, it s that it they are trying to induce a cover up, which is why innocent people should not be testifying unless they absolutely have to because you can be indicted for perjury even if you tell the truth, if youet say something that someboy else says differently. sean: that is a spectacular statement. you can be indicted for perjury if you tell the truth. if somebody part, contradicts you and the prosecutor believes the person who contradicts, you are indicted. sean: i will get back totr that question in a second. let me go to j