A situation where europe and the United States are talking at the moment about europe can influence his course of Action Offering support but not at any cost under very Firm Conditions and that is we need an Economic Aid Program run by the International Monetary fund we need to stop his blackmailing of partners which he did over recent years just putting german or american citizens into jail and only offering to reason under certain conditions that is blackmailing a nato partner and he is also very unreliable as a nato partner he for example germany had one of their troops in talkie to to to help turkey to be in a safe situation with the war next door in syria and even didnt admit German Parliamentarians to visit german soldiers and so we had to change that and pull our troops out so theres
a bridge across the bosphorus all financed with easy money most of it going to firms which in our in his orbit of the orbit of his family and that has ruined ruined the economy the problem is do the
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the time. he s not impressed, is he. 630 is the time, saturday he s not impressed, is he. 630 is the time, saturday morning. i he s not impressed, is he. 630 is the time, saturday morning. lots l the time, saturday morning. lots coming up including focus on the weather, you probably have some questions about how cold it will be, we will tell you. for many people, it can take well into adulthood to decide on a career, but a new project in kent means kids are getting a taste of one profession much sooner than that. a scheme run by the nhs, universities and local schools is showing primary school children what it s like to work in medicine, complete with fake blood and fake surgery. katharine da costa reports. you just shove it up then the new owners, all the way in, job done, and when you have finished operating like frankie, it s time to stitch your patient up. like frankie, it s time to stitch your patient up- like frankie, it s time to stitch your patient up. you have to poke thi
livelihoods. how are the iranians able to just keep going? well, i would say hope springs eternal for starters. this is a people that have been through so much the past four decades with a brutal and authoritarian government under the leadership of the islamic republic. so they know their lives are on the lives, that they could be beaten or shot. that should tell you how desperate they are for change and fed one the status quo. they re not just chanting against the clerical establishment saying things like death to the dictator, they re chanting for freedom. they re chanting they no longer want an islamic republic, and that supreme leaders guardianship sin is invalid. that explains why people continue to go to the streets. additionally, the more protestors that are killed, if you talk to the protestors on the ground, they tell you the