out that mission. we consider the best thinking, the best theory and the best evidence. we have disparate point views of which we debate extensively and come to a perspective and try to set monetary policy. that s what we do. we don t consider political factors or things like that. the issue is there s often criticism about raising rates near an election. now take a look at what happened. the market turned down. up all day. turned down on news of the fed hike. that s because bank stocks have suffered as a result. the dow is going to close almost 0.5 lower. about 110 points lower. all major markets are now in the red but the dow is down on a percentage basis more than the rest of them. msnbc will have special coverage of the kavanaugh/ford hearing tomorrow. brian williams kicks off our coverage at 10:00 a.m. eastern. we ll carry it live from beginning until the end throughout the course of the