the state s linchpin evidence is medically and scientifically impossible. there is no way she was killed at 3:30 a.m. she was killed before midnight. body was found, and that places the time of the crime at precisely when stacey was at home with jimmy. this case was entirely about the forensic evidence, and we know that the state s case, their forensic theory of guilt is a sham. on february 5th, 2015, ben jet filed a desperate final appeal to stay rodney reed s execution. reed was scheduled to be put to death in just three weeks. minimums and fees.
and he subsequently became a nationalized u.s. citizen was sentenced to 35 years in prison after being convicted of conspiring to commit murder in syria on behalf of isis. another exhibit, february 5th 2015, citizen of somalia who came to the united states as a refugee in 2007 was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison for conspiring to provide material support to foreign terrorist organization come in the list goes on. these are the examples that the white house says the strength into their case, does it? it does, but the whole mistake here is that no loan of federal judges sitting in a district course in washington has the right to substitute his judgment for the presidents on what might be detrimental to the national security of the united states. again, the statute in question gives the president almost unlimited authority, in the u.s. supreme court has said when it comes to national security and foreign policy issues that the president has great authority. no federal judge shou
the purchase had taken place february 5th, 2015, the same day charlie left cornell. the store had surveillance video of charlie s friend and fellow fraternity brother buying the shotgun, video that was shown to the jury. the frat brother was never accused of having anything to do with the killing. charlie had apparently convinced him to help buy a gun. friends say that whitney was told by charlie that he was going to go on a hunting trip so he asked whitney to help him. of course the prosecution says there was no hunting trip, charlie was planning a murder. in fact, before he got the friend to buy the weapon, surveillance footage showed just how intent he was on getting one. hours earlier, there was charlie. charlie s on video going into the walmart, attempting to purchase the shotgun. he is unable to. why is he turned down? why can t he buy the shotgun? he s a canadian citizen. which would require a waiting period, time he didn t have.