very shortly after vice president biden was made u.s. point man for ukraine, his son, hunter biden ends up on the board of burisma, working for and paid by the oligarch. in february 2014, in the wake of anticorruption uprising by the people of ukraine, he flees ukraine, and during the hearings testified he stood out for his self dealings, even among other oligarchs. house managers didn t tell you that. ambassador kirk voleker explained burisma had a, quote,
wanted in february 2014 at the time obama left office. they got 0 military aid, they got blankets and comfort and betting under obama and whatever the delay and all that under the trump administration they got weapons that could care russian tanks apart. they got a very a democrats are saying they deserved, they didn t get that under obama and i don t regret them schiff and pelosi and the democrat party complaining about that policy. shannon: it seems in putting together the case that she s going to make and the questions she s going to ask but a couple things in recent weeks have gone to this thing about her being so young and unrecognizable it may be a millennial, matthew dowd has since said his tweet was misinterpreted but she is a perfect example of why just electing someone because they
president trump sought to ukraine. exploit that ally s across the responsibilities i have had in public service, vulnerability and invite ukra e ukraine s interference in our ukraine is the highlight. and so secretary pompeo s offer elections. whether president trump to return as chief of the conditioned official acts, such as a white house meeting or u.s. mission was compelling. since i left ukraine in 2009, military assistance on ukraine s the country had continued to willingness to assist with two turn towards west. political investigations that but in 2013, vladimir putin vlad would help his re-election campaign. and if president trump did was so threatened by the either, if whether such an abuse of his power is compatible with prospect of ukraine joining the european union that he tried to the office of the presidency p. bribe the ukrainian president. this triggered mass protests in the matter is as simple and as the winter of 2013 that drove terrible as that. that president to fl
vladimir putin was so threatened by the prospect of ukraine joining the european union that he tried to bribe the ukrainian president, this triggered mass protests in the winter of 2013 the trove that present to flee to russia. in february 2014 but not before his forces killed 100 ukrainian protesters in central kiev. days later mr. putman invaded crimea holding a sham a sham referendum at the shale the russians observe the claimed that 97% voted to join russia. in early april putman sent his army and security forces into southeastern ukraine to generate illegal arm formations and public stomach pub but governments. you can see this on the map in the right hand portion, in the eastern portion of the country. 14,000 ukrainians have died in the war in dumb mass and more die each week.
ukraine? did you know if hunter biden relocated to ukraine? no knowledge. mr. ken? again, no knowledge. he s getting paid $50,000 a month but we don t know whether he had any experience or had any spoke the language or whether he moved to ukraine, correct? correct. biden was taken a specific interests of ukraine, was he? he was. while he was vice president, he made a total of six visits to ukraine. one is the old regime and that would make five visits after he started february 2014. and you were the dcm of that mission at the time? starting in 2015, yes. did vice president come i