Teacher and author John Marsden fosters a sense of adventure and a culture of inclusiveness and creativity at his school in Victoria. In this opinion piece, he explains why he places a lot of value on firsthand experiences both for students and teachers.
Finnish educator Pasi Sahlberg has studied education systems, analysed education policies and advised education reforms around the world. He has three ideas, inspired by lessons from abroad, to make our primary schools better and fairer places for children.
Are some languages harder to learn than others? To answer the question, first we need to distinguish between babies learning their first language and children or adults learning a second language.
the picture on the $45 bill, donald trump rick scott is getting ahead of his own party. it includes a list of frequent conservative talking points. one, public schools will not indoctrinate children on critical race fear. 4, finish building the wall and name it after donald trump. and men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. john avlon, lincoln and the fight for piece which you should go read immediately during the break. not just yet. i don t think there s a point in going through line by line. it is conservative boiler plate here. the fact of it is interesting. mitch mcconnell has been asked about a republican agenda. he said, you know, i ll hold off on it.