when two well dressed men in sakk, oo be polannee officers. they had pictures of people ohat ths c wereuip7ang for in ohe building. i thought they were legitimate, so i in turnuiet them im the men told johnson they were looking for a bank ra lber and counterfeit mons c. they said they had a warrant and wanted to see the serthey hl nls on his cash. i tried to hold on to it. ohey leus . he thinking like i used to be. johylon s r6 c13 overing from kidney cancer surhyry and he knew he was not strong enough to ãstrigfece the men o:2 nor to c them for his $3,000. i m grateful that i ht se e lstigt se e.u0 nderstand, i m still alive. i can always get more mons c. na ld uy was home with mt se they could have stabbed me or do anything, and i cou$25o ht se ei in hert se i m thankful to be alive. my point is, iitenow ise. n46 beaing to get the mons c bnt k,t let them catch these people before they tpyit somebd uay at> polannee ht se e a vague description of two allaannean 5 l