championships and i think the new england patriots, once they get healthy again they re going to be a tough out one more time. do you think carolina is not who we thought they were? i think carolina has snuck by in a lot of football games and cam newton is certainly the driving force and i believe the mvp of the national football league but when he s off their offense is off. you can t just win in defense alone. it s part of it but it s almost good for the carolina panthers to not have the undefeated season to look forward to. they can focus on the blood test. john, you re not aging and it s bugging me. i don t know what you re on. thanks, guys. straight ahead, she failed the fdny physical test sux times and somehow getting another chance, details just ahead. do you have an old bridesmaid dress in your closet? you can donate it to a great military cause. we ll show you how, next. ok, we re here.
morning to you. mysterious story is unraveling after a marine who went missing from his home on a new jersey military base is found dead over the weekend. 28-year-old sergeant tristan clinger s wife says her husband was severely depressed and could have been struggling with an undiagnosed ptsd. she says that the five-year veteran became upset when she told his supervisors about that ptsd just before christmas saying that he thought if she reached out for help that he d be kicked out of the military and lose his job. officials are not saying how the father of three died. maybe the seventh time will be the charm, the unfirable woman who failed the fdny s physical exam six times may now be getting another chance to pass it. according to today s new york post wendy tappia will start an 18-week training academy today. she graduated from the fire academy back in 2013 but she quit because she couldn t pass the running test.