Federal Communications Commission: Internet service providers selling home access or mobile broadband plans will be required to have a label for each plan beginning April 10.
Mizoram and Kerala passed resolutions earlier against the UCC, which has faced pushback across the country, particularly in minority-dominated northeastern states
Changes due to Gulf Cooperation Council rules. The NPRA launched a new e-service, which issues digital residence permits through the Kingdom of Bahrain’s National Portal. The Social Insurance Law or Qatar Law No 1 came into effect January 3, which governs pensions and retirement.
UAE Employers agreed to, or are considering, overseas remote working arrangements as means of hiring or retaining talent, which is recognised by UAE immigration authorities with availability of new visas, including: Green visa, freelancer visa, temporary work visa, and more
Abu Dhabi Court of Cassation ruled arbitration seated in Abu Dhabi and under ICC arbitration rules was seated in Abu Dhabi Global Market, and therefore subject to supervisory jurisdiction of ADGM Courts based on the presence of an ICC representative office in the ADGM