let s bring in jim jordan. what a moment to have you as our guest tonight. let s start with this entity, cisa. this shadowy group. their whole purpose has shifted from what many americans will support. this collusion is now bigger. i used to say the was bigov government, bierg tech and big media be now it s big tech,le government and media and the ngos our not for profits designed to run a disinformation operation on us. remember the 51 former intel officials who said, the hunter biden story has all the earmarks of a classic russian disinformation operation.
UBS Group AG cut its stake in shares of iShares International Treasury Bond ETF (NASDAQ:IGOV – Get Rating) by 8.4% in the second quarter, according to the company in its most recent disclosure with the SEC. The firm owned 105,835 shares of the company’s stock after selling 9,657 shares during the quarter. UBS Group AG’s […]
iShares International Treasury Bond ETF (NASDAQ:IGOV – Get Rating)’s stock price reached a new 52-week low during mid-day trading on Tuesday . The stock traded as low as $39.76 and last traded at $39.93, with a volume of 212371 shares traded. The stock had previously closed at $40.85. The firm has a 50-day moving average […]
/PRNewswire/ iGov s Senior Vice President of IT Product Sales, Jack Pooley, elected to retire in April 2022, after serving in leadership with dedication.