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because he said what a disaster. who got me to talk to that woman. she s a bigot, or words to that effect. we want to know your response. you re joking? because, i mean, how do you feel about that? where was i a bigot? the prime minister then canceled his entire afternoon schedule and rushed back to gillian s home, goes to her home love it. to apologize personally. sometimes you say things that you don t mean to say. sometimes you say things by mistake and sometimes when you say things, you want to correct it very quickly. okay. let s get into this a little bit. he called himself a sinner. when you have the prime minister call himself a sinner with his head in his hands, after calling a woman a bigot, and he represents the labor party, it was not a good day for
brown. how bad is this for gordon brown? this is not good. i ve known the prime minister a long time. he had waited for all of those years to have his own chance. this is his first election because tony blair stepped aside and, of course, he had not had a chance to be elected. this is not good. the british press makes us look like pussycats. they re all over this. what he said is not that offensive. it was probably i mean, it was an honest opinion. really? well, to call the woman bi t bigot bigoted. well, she was decrying immigration and in a lot of people s views, that is a bigot the stand but you don t go and insult a pensioner, as they call them. with you re trying to reach out to the working class. you have to ask about the campaign. how is there not someone taking the microphone off of him? whatever happened to we ll get into all of that. another politician on the losing
the problem is the leaders. the palestinians are divided. israelis are divided. israels have a strong fight to win. we have to mobilize them. who can do it? who else can do it except the president of yat? i want to ask you about another project. you re a specialist in poland and its relations with russia. is there the possibility there could be a silver lining in that terrible disaster with the airplane going down that, perhaps, the tensions have eased a bit between those countries? that s a fascinating issue. you know, the russians, i don t think, really understood why the poles are so hurt by the massacre, where 25,000 of the leading intellectuals and military people were shot to death. and for decades the russians denied that this was done by the soviets. and if you were growing up in
to the carpet, they re everybody s villain. goldman sachs bears a part of the bram but where s the reflection on congress? a lot of people look at, for example, the glass/steagall repeal in 1999, overwhelmingly passed, merged commercial banking and investment banking as the decision that ultimately led to this. how about when some of these investment banks when they no longer were partnerships and no longer had personal liability as partners, as goldman always was? they went into a completely different business. you know, this was as described there was a washington post editorial, lead editorial yesterday, which took a rather brave con trar yan position on all of this saying that what goldman didn t wasn t that different from what others were doing and was actually that there do have to be buyers and sellers on both sides of these market trades. goldman is the middleman dmroot only problem is they were being a bit deceitful with the product they were selling. they can hedge their