crime, a waste of time and money what the left tells you. what is the truth? the truth is, a sad day when avoiding indictment is seen as vindication, clear to anyone willing to work, highest echelon of the fbi engaged in conduct, the country is divided in its response, we re inching close dor the cliff called relativism where friends cannot be wrong and opponents cannot be right. it is okay to victimize those with whom you disagree, every investigation, found bias, what you call it confirmation or political bias, it was bias among those empowered to take your liberty, and property and your life. the left tells us that the bias does not matter, inspector general criticized work and objectivity and fairness of the fbi and doj, yet media and left do not care. fbi spun a thin, allegation to a year s long odyssey that weakened a president and the department of justice and a country. the fbi and doj did their best to conceal their conduct from investigators and the fisa court, yet,
brag about doing things to trump administration he would never have tried with the obama administration, and watched an fbi director insert himself into presidential politics, to this day he cannot acknowledge any of his considerable short comings, and learned this deputy director of fbi musicked about whether the nom nova a presidential candidate would be liked. general counsel for fbi presmet with lawyers from the dnc, even as we know the fbi leaks. lead agent for fbi, the one in charge of investigating the trump campaign, said he could smell trump supporters in a walmart, promised to stop trump probecoming president, said he had a plan if he did become president. this [music] a hack on a liberal cable