Two Takes on a Pandemic
Every nation has had its own experience of COVID-19. The stories of Denmark,
a model of socialized care, and Rwanda, a bright spot among developing
nations, both hold wider lessons for the world. by Linda Keslar //
Art by Image 1: Simon Wohlfahrt/Getty Images; Image 2: Claus Bjoern Larsen/Associated Press
IN SPRING 2020, WHEN the COVID-19 pandemic was first raging through sub-Saharan Africa, Hassan Nsabimana was among countless truck drivers who continued to work transporting essential cargo to Rwanda from neighboring countries. In a phone conversation last May from Tanzania, Nsabimana told his eldest son, Faycal Hassan Tuyishime, that he wasn’t feeling well and was heading home. “In his voice, you could tell he was critically ill,” Tuyishime says.