it. for many years, no president wanted to go against china economically, and we re going to do it. we have a problem with china. they ve created a trade deficit, and i really blame our representatives and, frankly, our preceding presidents for this. trump more succinctly, i know china, i ve made deals in china. china is taking advantage of us. only i know how to stop it. make america great again. it makes those sudden reversals you know, the ones where president trump suddenly fawns over president xi and china. so confusing. but it makes a move like this down right unbelievable. president xi of china and i are working together to get massive chinese phone company zte a way to get back into business fast. too many jobs in china lost. commerce department has been instructed to get it done! yes, it is very confusing. but raj shah is asking questions. we ll put a pin in this and
want this investigation to conclude and they want trump to sit down for an interview, they believe this gives them upper hand. of course, now that we know that robert mueller is still focusing on the collusion angle, that s another talking point that s emerged from the right, he s no longer focusing on collusion, it s all about obstruction, that is not true. collusion has been the number one priority of robert mueller. that was why he was hired in the first place to investigate potential collusion between the trump campaign and russia. obstruction came out of that because the president fired his fbi director. yes, indeed. then there s the question of whether he can be compelled to testify or if he doesn t want to do it. asawan suebsaeng, natasha thanks so much. the president fawns over the nra. months after saying he wasn t afraid to take them on. his speech to the trump base is ahead. plus, the political ad you have to see to believe. in tonight s thing 1, thing 2 next. this is fr
it s all about obstruction, that is not true. collusion has been the number one priority of robert mueller. that was why he was hired in the first place to investigate potential collusion between the trump campaign and russia. obstruction came out of that because the president fired his fbi director. there s a question whether he can be compelled to testify or if he doesn t want to do it. asawan suebsaeng, natasha thanks. the president fawns over the nra. his speech to the trump base is ahead. plus, the political ad you have to see to believe. in tonight s thing 1, thing 2 next.
hand. of course, now that we know that robert mueller is still focusing on the collusion angle, that s another talking point that s emerged from the right, he s no longer focusing on collusion, it s all about obstruction, that is not true. collusion has been the number one priority of robert mueller. that was why he was hired in the first place to investigate potential collusion between the trump campaign and russia. obstruction came out of that because the president fired his fbi director. there s a question whether he can be compelled to testify or if he doesn t want to do it. asawan suebsaeng, natasha thanks. the president fawns over the nra. his speech to the trump base is ahead. plus, the political ad you have to see to believe. in tonight s thing 1, thing 2 next. but there will still be pain. it comes when your insurance company says they ll only pay three-quarters of what it takes to replace it. what are you supposed to do? drive three-quarters of a car? now if you had liber
i do solemnly swear. and that is to uphold the constitution of the united states. it is what our responsibility is. the president also takes that oath. speaker ryan has avoided any response by the republicans, in he positive action to uphold the constitution of the united states in terms of our electoral system, our democracy. earlier this week i called upon him to give us a vote on an independent commission, outside independent commission, to investigate the ties to russia. what do the russians have politically, financially or personally on donald trump that he fawns over putin, questions sanctions, is reckless when it comes to article 5 of nato. the list goes on and on. the american people have a right