seems to be the case, if the united states allows afghanistan to go through this i mean, massive economic and social collapse, i have no doubt in my mind that isis-k will be able to find a refuge and even al qaeda, the same way in syria and iraq. when i talk about the america foreign policy team missing in action, zero diplomatic investment in syria. zero diplomatic investment in the palestine/israel conflict. allowing local conflicts basically to be exacerbated and escalate. so it s not just to come back to your earlier question, it s not just about killing key individuals, important as they are, it s about addressing the grievances and the institutional breakdown on that on that note of harsh indictment, fawaz, i have to let you go. thank you so much as always. and we will be back. st ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on
collapse, civil strife. so if afghanistan basically if the economy collapses as it seems to be the case, if the united states allows afghanistan to go through this i mean, massive economic and social dl collapse, i have no doubt in my mind that isis-k will be able to find a refuge and even al qaeda, the same way in syria and iraq. when i talk about the america foreign policy team missing in action, zero diplomatic investment in syria. zero diplomatic investment in the palestine/israel conflict. allowing local conflicts basically to be exacerbated and escalate. so it s not just to come back to your earlier question, it s not just about killing key individuals, important as they are, it s about addressing the grievances and the institutional breakdown on that on that note of harsh indictment, fawaz, i have to let you go.
angry sunnis. this is in iraq. in syria the kurdish-led militias who basically control the prisons where you have thousands of islamic state fighters and tens of thousands family members have not really been able to build the trust with the local communities, mainly local arab and sunni communities in northeastern syria. so isis this insurgency has been able to really find a refuge and the question is how do you address the grievances? how do you deal with punishing poverty? how do you provide security and, fareed, look, the united states is missing in action. really the american foreign policy team is missing in action. it has not invested much let me ask you, fawaz, about on that issue, you wrote a very prescient piece in foreign policy in august of 2021 as the taliban was taking control of
let me ask you, fawaz, about on that issue, you wrote a very prescient piece on foreign policy in august of 2021 as the taliban was taking control of afghanistan. you wrote, the taliban can t control that should be in the west. this major problem just in terms of the taliban taking over which has proved to be entirely true, they face terrorist attacks all the time. how unstable is afghanistan and do you worry that it could become the cockpit once again of terror groups getting larger and larger as the instability grows? you know, there is we re not really talking about mysterious challenges. we know where the islamic state or al qaeda or isis came to afghanistan. how they are nourished. how they survive. how they persist. how they basically find ways and means to exist. conflict zones, economic
أواخر آب 2019، أُوقف صاحب شركة «نيو بلازا تورز» فواز فواز على خلفية قيامه بأعمال نصب واحتيال راح ضحيتها نحو 500 مُسافر «احتُجزوا» في تركيا بعدما تبين أن الحجوزات التي تمت عب