Pakistan Finance Minister Miftah Ismail on Wednesday revealed that the former premier Imran Khan helicopter commute from his Bani Gala home to the PM secretar
Pakistan Finance Minister Miftah Ismail on Wednesday revealed that the former premier Imran Khan s helicopter commute from his Bani Gala home to the PM secretariat cost the national exchequer 550 million Pakistani rupees in three years and eight months, reported local media.
Newly-appointed Finance Minister of Pakistan, Miftah Ismail, has revealed that former Prime Minister Imran Khans helicopter commute between his Bani Gala home and the PM Secretariat cost Pakistani Rs 550 million to the national exchequer in .
Khan used a helicopter to travel to his office almost every day when he was in power, and the money was spent on the fuel consumed by the chopper, reports IANS.