Chaudhry Fawad Hussain, also known as Fawad Chaudhry, is known for many things, subtlety not being one of them. A senior politician of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, he is currently a minister in Prime Minister Imran Khan’s government. In an echo chamber peppered with political correctness and carefully placed tropes, Chaudhry regularly speaks up, taking positions on issues a few in his position have the courage to do so. Often in news for his trademark outspokenness and his no-holds-barred rebuttals articulated in an inoffensive manner to opposition’s attacks on Khan’s government, Chaudhry has carved a unique place in the tiny club of ministers acting as spokespersons of the government in addition to doing the primary job assigned to them. He is also known for occasionally pointing out the flaws of Khan’s government.