Very often if you look through the past to catch up. The military thinking and strategy. It tends to stay in the past war and Technology Goes ahead and the military thinking has to catch up with technology. What we see in the American Civil War is that most military was along the lines of the American Revolution. In other words, warfare that had happened decades earlier or even napoleon just a few years earlier. That was a hero. A lot of the american generals, their hero was napoleon bonaparte. They thought was the greatest general in the world. And the strategist. But the problem was they had you up and where they were planning, making their planning, based on old weapons. That is one thing im going to get to. The advanced weaponry that goes into the American Civil War and how that is going to affect have casualties happen. First of all, basic weapon. Its actually an american copy of a french musket that was used at the time. This is the french call it a surely bill but it is a single