Folasade Tinubu-Ojo, the Iyaloja-General of Lagos and daughter of President Bola Tinubu and other Nigerians drawn from different backgrounds, have received the 2023 Peace Achievers International Awards.
The National Youth Coalition will host a press conference on the upcoming Youth Day Parade for Justice and Change; World No Tobacco Day will inform the public about the dangers of using tobacco; and a World Food Safety Day webinar will lay out ‘The role of government in ensuring food safety in.
There's no sign that South Africa's intellectual property laws will change anytime soon, public health experts say. That means pharmaceutical companies will keep abusing the country's weak system - and keep the profits rolling in.
Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana will table the Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement in Parliament; Ilifa Labantwana is hosting a virtual conversation about public funding for early childhood development; and the 8th African Women Writers’ Symposium is kicking off with the Nadine Gordimer in Me.
JOHANNESBURG - A South African activist group is suing the government to reveal details of its contracts with COVID-19 vaccine makers. The Health Justic