Malayalam superstar Mammootty s mother Fathima Ismail has unfortunately died at the age of 93. Congress MP Shashi Tharoor expressed his condolences on Twitter and wrote "Spoke to @mammukka this morning to express my sincere condolences on the passing of his mother." Mammootty’s Mother Fathima Ismail Dies at 93; Congress MP Shashi Tharoor Offers His Condolences.
In this case, she died this morning without the effect of treatment. Fatima Ismails last rites will be held today at 4 pm at Sembai Muslim Jamaat Masjid. She is the wife of late Ismail of Semba Panabaram. While her sudden demise has caused great sadness, many fans have expressed their condolence to actor Mammootty and his son Dulquer Salmaan.