Is Kenya Finally Telling Its 200,000 Somali Refugees to Go? Published May 10th, 2021 - 08:03 GMT
Tents fill the outskirts of Dagahaley refugee camp in Kenya s Dadaab refugee complex on July 24, 2011. [Photo: Phil Moore | AFP]
Kenya announced a plan to close the Dadaab refugee complex and forcefully evict over 200,000 Somali refugees
The reason cited for the closing of the Dadaab refugee complex is security, but it could also be a bargaining chip in an international maritime dispute.
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Just as Somalia’s political crises worsened at the end of April, leading to a gun battle near the presidential palace in the capital Mogadishu, neighbouring Kenya announced a plan to close the Dadaab refugee complex and forcefully evict over 200,000 Somali refugees who still call it home – within 14 days. But why?