Fed Day, Retail Sales Catastrophe, Economists Under the Weather, Infrastructure Tuesday was a quirky sort of day that came ahead of the FOMC policy decision set for this (Wednesday) afternoon.
Mar 17, 2021 | 07:24 AM EDT
Hope you brought your thinking caps today. We have a lot to cover and only a few hours to do it. When I say move .. Helmets, flak jackets, gas masks on the hip, and two sources of water. Prepare for weather. Squad leaders, let me know when your people are good to go. Now, move.
Congratulations. Door number one? You re all one day closer to being completely forgotten by history. Door number two. Today is just the first day of the rest of your life. Perspective? Your choice. I ll go with door number two. This way, I still haven t hit potential.
The University of Notre Dame: A History
Thomas E. Blantz
Thomas Blantz’s monumental The University of Notre Dame: A History tells the story of the renowned Catholic university’s growth and development from a primitive grade school and high school founded in 1842 by the Congregation of Holy Cross in the wilds of northern Indiana to the acclaimed undergraduate and research institution it became by the early twenty-first century. Its growth was not always smooth slowed at times by wars, financial challenges, fires, and illnesses. It is the story both of a successful institution and of the men and women who made it so: Father Edward Sorin, the twenty-eight-year-old French priest and visionary founder; Father William Corby, later two-term Notre Dame president, who gave absolution to the soldiers of the Irish Brigade at the Battle of Gettysburg; the hundreds of Holy Cross brothers, sisters, and priests whose faithful service in classrooms, student residence halls, and across campus