Any Catholic who tries to live by the Church s liturgical calendar comes to realize that the seasons and the feasts have their own natural rhythm. The UN s
3 Mar 2021
Bishop Rick Stika of Knoxville, Tennessee, on Tuesday slammed President Joe Biden for his frequent rosary flaunting, asserting the Virgin Mary does not share his support for “unrestricted abortion.”
“So sad that the President like [sic] to pull out his rosary and touts his devotion of Our Lady of Guadeloupe as he forgets another title for her: ‘Our Lady of Life,’” the bishop wrote on Twitter. “He likes to brag on his Catholic background when convenient. So very dishonest!”
Stika was commenting on Biden’s virtual meeting Monday with Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, in which Biden showed the Mexican president the rosary beads he was wearing, noting that when visiting Mexico he has often “paid my respects to the Virgin of Guadalupe.”