In the recent weeks, amid the fighting between Hizbullah and Israel, Lebanese public figures and citizens, some of them residents of South Lebanon, have become increasingly furious at Hizbullah for attacking Israel not from Shi'ite localities but rather from Christian, Sunni, and Druze ones, and thus causing Israel to direct its retaliatory fire at these localities. The recent
On the outskirts of this southern Lebanese village, workers in a pickup truck parked at a nature reserve named after a fallen fighter of the militant Hezbollah group. They took two large eucalyptus tree seedlings out of the truck and planted them. The men are from Green Without Borders, a non-governmental organization that says it…
Though Shiite residents in border area back assertion by Green Without Borders that it's just planting trees, Christian villagers say they've been confronted by armed men
Waiting for a miracle in Iraq
February 26, 2021 Share
Only two days after an extremist attack that saw 14 missiles rain down on Erbil, and in the midst of a new coronavirus surge and lockdown, the Chaldean Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, Najeeb Michaeel, was optimistic about the upcoming visit of Pope Francis.
“Everyone is very happy about this historic event,” he said of Iraq’s inaugural papal visit, from his home in Ankawa, Erbil’s Christian enclave, which has given refuge to thousands of those displaced by ISIS. A previously planned visit in 2000 by Pope John Paul II to Ur, birthplace of the Prophet Abraham, the Judeo-Christian-Islamic patriarch who has become a symbol of inter-faith harmony, was foiled by protracted negotiations with the government of Saddam Hussein. In 2020, Pope Francis had to cancel a trip due to security and pandemic concerns.