Sunday, 20 Dec 2020
Not playing it safe: Papuan activists attending a protest in Surabaya on Dec 1 to mark the Free Papua Organisation anniversary. Racial discrimination of Papuans is still a big issue for Indonesia, with Papuan youths who live or study outside their home territory facing countless acts of racism. AFP
AFTER reading the 10-point “Moral Call for Justice and Truth” from 147 Catholic priests of five dioceses in Papua and West Papua, including a sharp rebuke against the Bishops Council of Indonesia (KWI) for its “reluctance” to speak out in defence of indigenous Papuans, the infamous remark of the Jewish high priest during Jesus’ crucifixion suddenly came to mind (he accused Jesus of blasphemy).
In the spirit of Human Rights Day, 147 Catholic priests from five dioceses in Papua and West Papua have made 10 demands to various parties in Indonesia to seek an end to persistent conflicts in the provinces.
Group spokesman Father John Bunay, accompanied by 20 priests serving in Jayapura, said during a press conference in the Waena Light of the World Catholic Church on Thursday that conflicts had continued to undermine human dignity in Papua.
“These are moral calls for justice and truth,” said John. “Violence creates new problems. Dialogue and reconciliation are dignified ways to resolve conflicts in Papua.”
He said the priests felt compelled to make the statements because of continuing conflicts despite the fact that many Papuans “had accepted the gospel and abandoned their old ways of living”.