A woman was brutally gang-raped and murdered by her four brothers-in-law in Uttar Pradesh’s Fatehpur district, while her husband, who orchestrated the crime, is absconding in Dubai, the police said on Tuesday. Fatehpur Gang Rape and Murder: Woman's Husband in Dubai Plots Her Gang-Rape and Killing by His Brothers in Uttar Pradesh.
According to the police, the case dates back to April 12 this year, when the body of a woman was found. Police found that a name was written on her hand.
Updated Jan 10, 2021 | 07:28 IST
The in-laws of the now-deceased woman sent her to her father s house after accusing her of continuing her affair with her lover even after her marriage. Newlywed woman shot dead by father in UP [Representative image]  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images
Key Highlights
An argument flared up between the now-deceased woman and her father after her in-laws sent her back.
The woman, during the argument, allegedly said that she would not end her relationship with her lover.
Kanpur: A 20-year-old newlywed woman was shot dead by her father after her in-laws left her at his residence in Jaisinghpur village in Fatehpur district of Uttar Pradesh over alleged infidelity.